Summer School on Astrophysics and Astroparticles,
24 July - 2 August, 2015
After the last year's school on Particle Physics, we continue pursuing the idea of intensive summer programme for the undergraduate and early graduate students, where advanced lectures are given by experts in the fields.
The aim: The school aims to provide intensive and thorough course on Astrophysics and AstroParticle Physics. The school is not limited to lectures, but will also include daily discussion sessions and independent work.
For whom: The school is intended for senior undergraduate and early graduate students mainly from Balkans region. All lectures will be given in English, so we also welcome students from anywhere abroad. Exceptional younger students and interested graduate students will also be considered.
By whom: Lectures will be given mostly by PhD students and young postdocs, but also by some senior researchers. Lecturers come from various European and US institutions.
Much that we know about the Universe comes from observing light. Summer School on Astrophysics and Astroparticles is a part of a celebration of the International Year of Light. For more information about the other local events check MGS2015 website.